Glacial Shells Massage

An incredible chill out experience…

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Glacial Shells are used in a new hot and cold body massage to help increase circulation, rid the body of toxins and boost the immune system.  It also  acts as a natural colonic and can help aid weight loss.

The Glacial Shell Detox Massage is the ultimate development in ice therapy that targets two problem areas: the stomach and the legs, tackling congestion problem areas (such as the small and large intestine) and stimulating the lymphatic system. An initial course of 3 massages 5- 7 days apart is recommended for optimum results, which will act as a thorough cleanse resulting in weight loss, increased energy and a decrease in cellulite.

The Glacial Shell Detox Massage is an easier detox  solution, which works on both a physical and holistic level If you want get beach body ready, you might be looking for an alternative way to shed pounds, toxins and the odd bit of cellulite. We all know there’s no quick fix to such things, but this fantastic new treatment will really help to tackle them. The Glacial Shell Detox Massage has been designed to increase circulation, detoxify, boost the immune system and aid colonic and digestive passage.

How does it work? Following a thorough consultation, body brushing stimulates the lymphatic system to increase drainage, while the therapist uses a combination of hot and cold shells to massage the legs and stomach - commonly the main areas of congestion for detox. The glacial shells are created using recycled Tiger Striped Clam Shells from the South Pacific and porcelain, one is heated and the other chilled to stimulate a sluggish circulatory system. This invigorating massage will aids digestion, relieves IBS symptoms and soothes menstrual cramps and helps to shock the body into kick starting weight loss and detox.


Glacial Shell Treatment (1 hour + consultation) £70

Course of 3 (payable in advance) £190